About Us

Our Journey

Determined to accomplish our goal, we committed to educating ourselves. Being the purist that Matt is, he bought a book on the history of Timber Framing in America. Being the frugal Yankee that I am, I bought a book on all kinds of inexpensive backyard projects. We read our own books, then switched and read the others. We bought plans of post and beam sheds and studied websites of quality shed manufacturers. We then went and visited the craftsman that built my house. He had 30 years of experience building homes using his own method of what he calls 'hybrid' post and beam construction.

Now armed (and slightly dangerous) with our new knowledge, we started to build. Together we had just enough tools to make it work. When we finished, we were satisfied with the quality but felt that the design needed work. We went back to the drawing board and created a new design of a greenhouse. After several more projects, we are happy with our product. We have what we consider to be a very high-quality, practical garden shed that will not only last for years but is aesthetically pleasing. It can also act as a storage shed for gardens or other household tools.

In addition, if you invest in our manual, you will save thousands of dollars literally from the kits that some companies sell. You will have the satisfaction of building it yourself using recycled materials when available to save money and the world's resources. If you are able to recruit a friend to help, it is all that much better. Good luck with your adventure.

Mike and Matt
Post and Green Building Company

Post And Green